List of documents required for termination of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan:
Application-questionnaire to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for termination of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan (PDF) (WORD) (application-questionnaire in 5 (five) copies and must be filled out completely);
5 color photos (35 mm x 45 mm), (photos should be pasted in the place where the 1st photo of the questionnaire is pasted);
A copy of the applicant's identity and other documents (citizen passport, identity card, birth certificate, military ID, marriage certificate, etc.);
Human rights defenders will be granted Austrian citizenship by an official body of the Republic of Austria.
In the name of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan with the reason for terminating the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan (in free form);
Information and translation of the applicant's residence in the Republic of Austria (Aufenthaltserlaubnis, Aufenthaltsberechtigung or Niederlassungserlaubnis);
According to program 16.2.2 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on "State fee", a state fee of 60 USD should be provided for the termination of citizenship. Receipt with bank authorization to authorize the use of state tax (Bank Austria, SWIFT: BKAUATWW, IBAN: AT39 1100 0017 5329 7901);
3 (three) envelopes addressed to your address with a postage stamp and purpose of 6.00 Euros (for the processing of documents, status of execution and correct sending of references to the citizen);
All documents required for termination of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan are submitted in 5 copies and each copy is filed separately.
Note: If he submits the petition jointly with his minor child(ren) under the age of 14, if any:
1. the Application filled out based on the information about that child (children) should be written in the questionnaire (item 14 of the application-questionnaire);
2. Application for controlling child (children's) means - should be pasted next to the pictures of the control;
3. copies of documents related to the child (children) with translations into Azerbaijani, additional confirmation (passport, identity card, birth certificate, etc.);
4. The child(ren) will be admitted to the citizenship of the Republic of Austria.
5. request for consent from another illness stating that the child objects to the termination of the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan (the application was notarized and translated. , divorce court exists and election;
Note: Do not forget to mention your contact information (phone number, email address, etc.) when submitting the documents.
Note: If he submits the application together with his children aged 14-18:
1. the Application filled out based on the information about that child (children) should be written in the questionnaire (item 14 of the application-questionnaire);
2. Application-questionnaire to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for termination of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan (the application-questionnaire must be filled in 5 (five) copies);
3. (five) 5 photos (35 mm x 45 mm), (photos should be pasted in the pasted place for pasting the 1st photo of questionnaires);
4. copies of documents related to the child (children) with translations into Azerbaijani, additional confirmation (passport, identity card, birth certificate, etc.);
5. Biography;
6. Getting agreement that the child (children) does not object to the termination of the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan together with the administration (the application should not be kept in a notarial manner) and storage.
7. it is allowed not to object to the termination of the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan to a person (children) who is not allowed to both. one's death certificate, divorce judgment available and so on;
Note: In order to speed up the process of terminating the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan, it is advisable to write the program, direct questionnaire and biography in the name of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. It should be taken into account that consideration of applications for termination of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan may last up to 18 months.
Note: It should be taken into account that all documents submitted in foreign languages must be submitted together with their translation into Azerbaijani.
Note: It should be taken into account that the validity period of the letter of guarantee that the applicant will be accepted for Austrian citizenship by the official authorities of the Republic of Austria (Einbürgerungszusicherung) as well as the identity documents must be at least four months from the date of submission of the application to the Consulate.
Note: It should be taken into account that if the documents for the termination of the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan are not fully and correctly drawn up, they will be returned to the applicant for correction without being accepted for execution.
Note: The embassy is not responsible for documents being lost or rendered unusable during mailing.
The embassy is not responsible for documents being lost or rendered useless during sending by post.
If the documents are not complete and correctly drawn up, they will be returned to the applicant without being accepted for execution.
ATTENTION: Citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan who have accepted the citizenship of the Republic of Austria must fill out the following form one month after receiving the citizenship and submit it to the Embassy together with a copy of the passport of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Austrian passport. Application-questionnaire for providing information about it by a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan who has accepted the citizenship of a foreign state (PDF)